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The Offshore Software Development Solution

By Offshore Software Development
Technology not only drives businesses, it drives how consumers interact with products and services. Whether it’s a new website or a mobile app, very few businesses are untouched by the whirlwind of technology.  How fast your business is able to identify, develop and launch products will determine your success in the marketplace. With the demand for software developers being greater than the supply, the cost of moving products from the development list to being launched in the market is rising. This leaves businesses with the daunting task of balancing their competitive edge against protecting their profitability. Read More

Working with HisGifts!

By Community, Cross Promotion

We recently worked with David at HisGifts to help him create a short article.  The article is a great way for him to easily inform potential clients of the innovative things he is doing in retirement.  It also allows him to share his passion and open up a conversation.


If you are interesting in learning more and seeing his article you can follow this link to find the short article David put together to explain the benefits of IUL as a tax-free retirement investment option.


Davids Article

If you have any questions about what we are doing at Labs8 or how we can help fine tune your business you can shoot us an email here.


Cross Promotions

By Community, Cross Promotion

Labs8 believes strongly in supporting our community.  One of the ways we do this is by using Cross Promotions.  We love the idea of supporting business owners in our community by introducing them to each other while passing along useful tools.  Labs8 believes this kind of support can build trust in your business while strengthening connections in your community which ultimately connects you with new customers.

Labs8 can help facilitate a successful Cross Promotion for your business. One of the most important ways we do this is by helping you find the right cross-promotion partner.  This partner not only needs to bring value to your customers but must share the same level of respect you have for your customers. This is crucial in protecting the trust you are building with your customer base.

The basic principle behind a Cross Promotion is simply telling your customers about a business you trust and believe may offer them value and in turn that business introduces the value you offer to their customers. This value can take on a variety of forms ranging from a  short article to an e-book or even a free consultation.  If you’re not sure what this would be for your company, Labs8 can help you with deciding on the best offer and how to effectively communicate the offer in your Cross Promotion.

Cross Promotions help your community grow by reaching new people, they also  help your business grow by finding new prospects interested in your product or services.

As labs8 continues to grow and serve our community, we are becoming more and more passionate about the value of Cross Promotions.  We would love to chat with you about investing in your community and building your business.  If you would like more information or have any questions please Contact Us.  We are excited to work with you.

Contact Labs8

Building Community

By Community, Cross Promotion, Marketing, Uncategorized

In the beginning

When I started my first company some years agoI was overwhelmed with who I wanted to be. It can be lonely and overwhelming. As we grew and found ourselves I looked back and found that there were two key turning points in our growth. The first was community and the second was marketing. To some this is obvious, and to others they still haven’t realized the importance. Read More